■ 応募者には、デジタルパンフレットをご案内します。
※ 辞書やインターネット等で調査しながら、最適と思われる訳文を考えてみましょう。
There is no exact time frame, but watch manufacturers suggest that your mechanical watches should be serviced every four years.
Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use military force.
・Companies have to protect their data from their own employees.
・Clean your hands before touching patients to protect them against infection with harmful germs.
Three Americans were detained in Venezuela earlier this year.
According to a study, the education of mothers is significantly related to children's life expectancy.
Devices that scan images typically use mechanical hardware to move an image sensor relative to the object to be scanned. One way in which this is accomplished includes locating the image sensor on an assembly that moves the image sensor relative to the stationary object to be scanned.
On Day 350, the subject was discharged from the hospital in stable condition. On Day 380, the subject recovered. The study medication was interrupted on Day 340 and was restarted on Day 370. The investigator considered the event to be severe and unrelated to the study medication.
You can upload all pictures in Album at once. Tap Send, and then select Upload All. If the total size of selected files exceeds 5 MB, a message will appear and show you which picture(s) cannot be sent due to the file(s) size exceeding the file limitation, but other files will be sent.
Vegetarians and health enthusiasts have known for years that foods rich in soy protein offer a good alternative to meat, poultry, and other animal-based products. As consumers have pursued healthier lifestyles in recent years, consumption of soy foods has risen steadily, bolstered by scientific studies showing health benefits from these products.